Incentives to Employability

The Azores have several measures to support hiring and job creation.


CONTRATAR Construir Próprio Emprego


Estagiar L Estagiar T Estagiar + Reconverter Pro Eurodisseia


Berço de Emprego
Incentives to Employability



The aim of Contratar is to create new jobs and increase wages by providing support to promoting organisations to sign fulltime, indefinite employment contracts.


Unemployed people registered with the Qualification and Employment Centre (CQE);
Framework (QNQ), who have never worked in the respective training area under an employment contract and have never completed a traineeship promoted by the Regional Government of the Azores, aged 30 or under at the time of submitting the application, with recent graduates being understood as those who have completed their training less than 12 months previously;
Young people who have recently graduated from courses with a level of qualification equal to or higher than level IV of the National Qualifications;


The requirements for the allocation of financial support are:

For workers with NQF level VI, VII and VIII qualifications, the gross remuneration must be equal to or greater than 1.50 times the Guaranteed Minimum Monthly Remuneration in the Autonomous Region of the Azores;
For workers with NQF level IV and V qualifications, the gross remuneration must be equal to or greater than 1.25 times the Guaranteed Minimum Monthly Remuneration in the Autonomous Region of the Azores;
For workers with qualifications at or below level III of the NQF, the gross remuneration must be equal to or greater than 1.10 times the Guaranteed Minimum Monthly Remuneration in the Autonomous Region of the Azores.

The requirements set out in previous points do not apply to employment contracts concluded with unemployed people in a disadvantaged situation.

Payment Method

Support: Amounts to 15 times the gross remuneration per supported employment contract.
The following increases apply:
10%, for jobs located on the islands of Faial and Pico and the municipality of Vila Franca do Campo, in the island of São Miguel;
10%, for jobs located on the islands of Faial and Pico and the municipality of Vila Franca do Campo, in the island of São Miguel;
Duration: 36 months

Construir Próprio Emprego


The aim of this measure is to promote self-employment by awarding financial support for the creation of full-time employment to beneficiaries of the Young Investor and Small Business measures under the Incentive System for Boosting Sustainable and Integrated Investment (Construir 2030).


The following recipients can apply for the Build Your Own Job measure if they are both beneficiaries of the Young Investor or Small Business measures and plan to create their own job as part of the respective project:
Unemployed people, registered with the Qualification and Employment Centre (CQE) at the time the beneficiary entity was set up, created with a view to applying for the Young Investor measure or the Small Business measure;
Recent graduates from courses with a level of qualification equal to or higher than level IV of the National Qualifications Framework, who are unemployed, with recent graduates being understood as those who have completed their training less than 12 months ago;
Trainees who have completed a traineeship measure promoted by the Regional Government of the Azores for less than six months and who have not worked during this period;
Unemployed people registered with the CQE in a situation of disadvantage or social fragility.

Payment Method

Support: The support is worth 12 times the minimum monthly wage guaranteed in the Autonomous Region of the Azores.
The following cumulative increases are also applicable:
25% if the recipient is a disabled person or has a degree of disability equal to or greater than 60%;
15% if the recipient plans to create their own job on the islands of Santa Maria, Graciosa, São Jorge, Flores or Corvo;
10% if the recipient plans to create their own job on the islands of Faial, Pico or in the municipalities of Nordeste, Povoação or Vila Franca do Campo on the island of São Miguel;
10% if the recipient is unemployed and in a situation of disadvantage or social fragility;
5% if the recipient is aged 55 or over.
Duration: 36 months

Estagiar L


To enable young people with higher or intermediate level qualifications to undertake a professional internship in a real work context, which promotes their integration into working life.
To complement and improve young people's socio-professional skills by means of an internship in a real work situation.
Facilitate the recruitment and integration of staff into companies through professional internships.
Promote the transition of young university students into working life.
To support the settlement of young people on the smaller islands.


Young people who have recently graduated from higher education and hold level VI, VII or VIII of the NQF (National Qualifications Framework);
Aged 30 or under at the time of application;
Have never worked in the respective training area under an employment contract after completing their training.

Duration: Traineeships last 12 months, including a month's rest to be taken during the 12th month of the traineeship.
The traineeships provided for in the previous paragraph may be extended under the following terms:
On the islands of São Miguel, Terceira, and Faial for a further three months, at the private employers provided for in Article 4(1) of the Regulation annexed to Government Council Resolution 115/2022 of 19 July;
On the islands of Santa Maria, São Jorge, Pico, Graciosa, Flores and Corvo:
- For a further six months, for private employers;
- For a further three months, in public administration organisations.

Estagiar T


To enable young people with higher or intermediate level qualifications to undertake a professional internship in a real work context, which promotes their integration into working life;
To complement and improve young people's socio-professional skills by taking part in an internship in a real work situation;
Facilitate the recruitment and integration of staff into companies through professional internships;
Promote the transition of young university students to working life;
Supporting the settlement of young people on islands with smaller demographics.


Young people who have recently graduated from higher professional qualification courses, level IV or V of the NQF (National Qualifications Framework);
Aged 30 or under at the time of application;
Who have never worked in the respective training area under an employment contract after completing their training.

Duration: Traineeships last 12 months, including a month's rest to be taken during the 12th month of the traineeship.
The traineeships provided for in the previous paragraph may be extended under the following terms:
On the islands of São Miguel, Terceira, and Faial for a further three months, at the private employers provided for in Article 4(1) of the Regulation annexed to Government Council Resolution 115/2022 of 19 July;
On the islands of Santa Maria, São Jorge, Pico, Graciosa, Flores and Corvo:
- For a further six months, for private employers;
- For a further three months, in public administration organisations.

Estagiar +


To enable young people with qualifications equal to or lower than level III of the NQF, who have been registered with the EQC for more than 3 months when they are looking for their first job, and young people who have been unemployed for more than 6 months when they are looking for a new job, to undertake a professional internship in a real work context, which promotes their integration into working life;
To complement and improve young people's socio-professional skills by giving them an internship in a real work situation;
Facilitate the recruitment and integration of staff into companies through professional internships;
Promoting young people's transition from school to working life;
Support the settlement of young people on islands with smaller demographics.


Young people with qualifications equal to or below level III of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), registered with the CQE when they are looking for their first job;
Young people who have been unemployed for more than 6 months when they are looking for a new job.

Duration: Traineeships last 12 months, including a month's rest to be taken during the 12th month of the traineeship.
The traineeships provided for in the previous paragraph may be extended under the following terms:
On the islands of São Miguel, Terceira, and Faial for a further three months, at the private employers provided for in Article 4(1) of the Regulation annexed to Government Council Resolution 115/2022 of 19 July;
On the islands of Santa Maria, São Jorge, Pico, Graciosa, Flores and Corvo:
- For a further six months, for private employers;
- For a further three months, in public administration organisations.

Reconverter PRO


To promote the professional reconversion of unemployed people with greater employability difficulties;
To encourage the development of personal and training skills;
To promote internships in a real work context with a view to their subsequent integration into the labour market.


Unemployed people who are undergoing or have completed an integration programme, and who have remained uninterruptedly registered with the Qualification and Employment Centre (CQE) after completing the measure;
Unemployed people who have been registered with the CQE for more than 12 consecutive months and are aged over 30 and under 55;
Unemployed people aged 55 or over, registered with the EQC;
Are young unemployed people aged 30 or under, with a qualification equal to or lower than level III of the National Qualifications Framework, registered with the EQC for more than:
- 3 months, when they are looking for their first job;
- 6 months if they are looking for a new job.
Unemployed people in a situation of disadvantage and social fragility;
Unemployed people who have successfully completed a training programme of 300 hours or more in the last six months and who have remained uninterruptedly registered with the CQE after completing the training.

The internship has an initial duration of 8 months and may be extended for a period of 6 months, including 1 month's rest to be taken during the 12th month;
When the promoting organisation provides at least 150 hours of certified training during the initial internship period.



Eurodisseia is a measure of professional internships in partnership with trainees for the acquisition of new professional skills in a real work context and the learning and/or improvement of a foreign language.


Unemployed young people who fulfil the following requirements:
18 to 30 years old, inclusive, measured at the start date of the traineeship;
Have lived in the ARA for at least six months;
Have a qualification between levels three and eight of the NQF;
Have knowledge of at least one foreign language;
Have not previously benefited from this measure.

3 to 7 month;
Internships in the ARA have a maximum duration of 6 months, including the Portuguese language and culture course.

Berço de Emprego


The Berço de Emprego Programme aims to temporarily replace employees on initial parental leave, initial parental leaves to be taken by one parent in the event of the other parent's incapacity or adoption, with unemployment benefit recipients.


Private companies;
Public companies;
Non-profit organisations;
Central, regional, and local public administration.

The duration of the project is temporary and is limited to the period of initial parental leave, initial parental leaves to be taken by one parent in the event of the impossibility of the other or adoption, plus two months, which cannot be less than one month.

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